New World Mining Guide

Mining is a part of the gathering trade skills that allows players to gather Ores, Metals, and Gems from mining nodes. They are used in crafting trade skills like Furnishing, Cooking, Engineering, Smelting, Stonecutting, Armor Smithing, and Arcana.

Items Required

As a beginner, you will need a Flint Mining Pickaxe to mine the nodes. It requires level 0 Engineering with 1x Flint and 1x Greenwood. First, walk up to a bush/flint and press the interaction key, and once you obtain a tier-1 campfire or workshop, then craft the pickaxe.

Higher-level characters are able to use a better tier of Mining Pickaxes. For instance, Tier 2 Iron Mining Pickaxe has a level range of 4 to 19, and it offers a Gathering Speed of 125 to 225%. Tier 3 Steel Mining Pickaxe has a level range of 16 to 39, and it offers a Gathering Speed of 240 to 350%. Tier 4 Star Metal Mining Pickaxe has a level range of 33 to 59, and it offers a Gathering Speed of 370 to 550% for this New World Mining Guide. Tier 5 Orichalcum Mining Pickaxe has a level range of 51 to 60, and it offers a Gathering Speed of 560 to 850%.

Types of Mining Nodes

(Stones/Boulders) Stone, Sliver of Adamant, and Sliver of Adder stone. (Saltpeter) Saltpeter. (Iron Vein) Iron Ore, Small Quartz Crystal, Fae Iron, Void metal, Sliver of Cobalt, Shard of Cobalt, Chunk of Cobalt, Sliver of Crystal, Shard of Crystal, Chunk of Crystal, T2 Gems, T3 Gems, T4 Gems, and T5 Gems. (Silver Vein) Silver Ore, Small Quartz Crystal, T2 Gems, T3 Gems, T4 Gems, and T5 Gems. (Seeping Stone) Oil. (Gold Vein) Gold Ore, Small Quartz Crystal, T3 Gems, T4 Gems, and T5 Gems.

(Alchemy Stones) Elemental Mote, Elemental Lodestone, and Crafting Mods (See Infographic below). (Star metal Vein) Star metal Ore, Small Quartz Crystal, Azurite Chunk, Sliver of Cobalt, Shard of Cobalt, Chunk of Cobalt, Sliver of Crystal, Shard of Crystal, Chunk of Crystal, T3 Gems, T4 Gems, and T5 Gems. (Elemental Creatures) Star metal Ore and Water Quintessence. (Platinum Vein) Platinum Ore, Small Quartz Crystal, T4 Gems, and T5 Gems. (Orichalcum Vein) Orichalcum Ore, Small Quartz Crystal, Sliver of Cobalt, Shard of Cobalt, Chunk of Cobalt, Sliver of Crystal, Shard of Crystal, Chunk of Crystal, T4 Gems, T5 Gems, Void Ore, Cinnabar, and Tolvium.

Types of Elemental Creatures

(Mountain Elemental) can be found in Edengrove, Weaver’s Fen, and Reekwater. (Tundra Elemental) can be found in Edengrove, Brightwood, and Ebonscale Reach.

How to locate mining nodes?

There are no specific zone restrictions related to mining nodes (similar to harvesting), so you can find about everything without having to worry about being in the wrong area or zone. A good suggestion to map out the best farming bath is utilizing the fan-based interactive map that is in trend nowadays for this New World Mining Guide.

How to level up mining?

It takes about 435,280 EXP to max out (level 200) your mining skill, and the general rule that you need to be mindful of is to mine the highest tier node available at your current level.

From level 1 to 50, you need a total of 13,873 EXP, and the best possible way to reach level 50 is by mining Iron and Silver Ores. From Level 50 to 100, you will need a total of 62,678 EXP, and the strategy is basically the same; however, you add a mix of Alchemy Stones in your gathering runs. From level 100 to 150, you need a total of 154,831 EXP.

You will now have access to mining Star Metals that have a base EXP rate of 4.3/sec, and with a gathering speed increase, you can increment the rate to 19/sec for New World Mining Leveling. Finally, for the last 50 levels (150 to 200), you will require a total EXP of 217,771, and the best way to level up is by putting your entire focus on Orichalcum.

Are there any types of mining perks?

Armor – You can utilize Shard of Adderstone for a 2 to 5% increase in Mining Luck. Amulet – You can utilize Chunk of Cobalt for a 2 to 9.5% increase in Mining Luck. Pickaxe – You can utilize Starmetal Miner’s Charm for a 2-9.3% increase in Mining Luck, Orichalcum Miners Charm for a 10-19% increase in Mining Yield, Steel Miner’s Charm for a 3-9.4% increase in Mining EXP, Drop of Azoth Oil for a 30-78% increased chance to gain an Azoth while gathering, Sliver of Adamant for 25-75% increased Durability and Small Elk Hoof for 3 seconds of 50% haste for New World Mining Leveling. Bags – Prospector’s Burden (Silver of Cobalt), which reduces the weight of pickaxes, ingots, and ores by 5-10%, and Extra Pockets (Silver of Adderstone), which can hold 50 to 95 additional weights.

Are there any types of mining buffs?

There are also buffs related to a character’s Mining Level, Strength Bonus, BIS Total Stats, and BIS Mining Equipment, and BIS Mining Luck. As we are only listing down the important segments of the mining guide, you can read about them on the official ‘WIKIA.’


Weak Proficiency Booster helps to increase gathering yield by 5% (10 minutes duration). Common Proficiency Booster helps to increase gathering yield by 7% (15 minutes duration). Strong Proficiency helps to increase gathering yield by 10% (20 minutes duration). Powerful Proficiency Booster helps to increase gathering yield by 15% (30 minutes duration).


Roasted Potatoes help to increase mining luck by 1000 points (20 minutes duration). Herb-roasted Potatoes help to increase mining luck by 1400 points (25 minutes duration). Boiled Potatoes help to increase mining luck by 1700 points (30 minutes duration). Poultry with Roasted Potatoes helps to increase mining luck by 1900 points (25 minutes duration). Salted Roasted Vegetables help to increase mining luck by 2000 points (40 minutes duration).


Minor Mining Gathering Trophy helps to increase mining luck by 500 points. Basic Mining Gathering Trophy helps to increase mining luck by 1000 points. Major Mining Gathering Trophy helps to increase mining luck by 1500 points.


Windsward Fortress offers a +5% Yield. Territory Control offers a +10% Yield. Prospector’s Spirit offers +20% Yield while Mining for 3 days. Territory Bonus offers 5-37% Gathering Speed. Also, the bonus decays at 86.5% per point.