Myth of Empires: Soloing the Alpha Bear Without NPCs

Welcome back to Myth of Empires enthusiasts! Today, we delve into the intricate art of soloing one of the most formidable foes in the game – the Alpha Bear. Many players find themselves daunted by the prospect of facing this behemoth without the aid of NPCs. However, fear not, for we are here to guide you through the process step by step. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss everything from acquiring treasure maps to mastering the dance of combat against the Alpha Bear.

Acquiring Treasure Maps:

The journey begins with acquiring treasure maps, which hold the key to locating the Alpha Bear’s lair. These maps can be obtained by vanquishing formidable foes such as gold border dragons. Keep an eye out for both gold and silver maps, with gold maps offering higher-quality MoE Copper Coins rewards. Once in possession of a map, simply right-click to reveal the treasure location on the map interface.

Locating the Alpha Bear:

The Alpha Bear resides within a treasure map location, often found near a copper mine. While traditional maps can guide you to its location, experienced players know that the Alpha Bear’s lair is always situated within the vicinity of these mines. Prepare yourself for the challenge ahead before venturing into its domain.

Preparing for Battle:

Before facing the Alpha Bear, it’s essential to ensure you are adequately equipped and skilled. Invest in proficiency points in relevant areas such as one-handed combat, heavy armor, and physique. While different weapon types can be utilized, ensure your chosen loadout matches your playstyle and strengths.

Engaging the Alpha Bear:

As you approach the Alpha Bear, be prepared for a fierce confrontation. Avoid charging head-on, as this will only invite swift retribution. Instead, lure the bear towards a nearby wall, utilizing the environment to your advantage. By keeping the bear pinned against the wall, you minimize its ability to charge and unleash devastating attacks.

Mastering the Dance of Combat:

Combat against the Alpha Bear is a delicate dance, requiring precise movement and timing. Circle the bear, alternating between its sides and rear to avoid its relentless onslaught. Maintain a steady rhythm, ensuring you remain elusive while delivering punishing blows of your own. Patience and perseverance are key as you chip away at the bear’s formidable health pool.

Utilizing Scrolls and Artifacts:

Upon vanquishing the Alpha Bear, reap the rewards of your hard-fought victory. Skinning the bear yields valuable resources, including scrolls and artifacts. These items provide bonuses and enhancements to your character, empowering you for future challenges. Whether augmenting your warrior’s strength or mitigating weaknesses, make strategic use of these resources to further your progression.


Congratulations, brave adventurer, on mastering the art of soloing the Alpha Bear in Myth of Empires. Armed with knowledge and skill, you have overcome one of the game’s most formidable challenges. Remember to share your experiences and strategies with fellow players, fostering a community of camaraderie and growth. As you continue your journey, may you face each challenge with courage and determination.

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