How to Get 89 Overall George Pickens in Madden NFL 24

Madden NFL 24 is the latest installment in the popular football video game series. The game features a new competitive field pass, which allows players to earn rewards by completing challenges and objectives. One of the best rewards in the competitive field pass is an 89 overall George Pickens card.

How to Get George Pickens

To get George Pickens, you need to reach level 43 in the competitive field pass. You can earn competitive pass points (CP) by completing challenges and objectives in a variety of game modes, including:

Head-to-head Seasons: Earn CP by winning games and completing objectives.
Solo Battles: Earn CP by completing challenges against computer-controlled teams.
Mut Champions: Earn CP by winning games and completing objectives.
Daily Objectives: Earn CP by completing daily challenges.
Milestones: Earn CP by completing long-term challenges.

The best way to earn CP is to play Mut Champions. The objectives in Mut Champions are relatively easy to complete, and you can earn a lot of CP for winning games.

Tips for Getting George Pickens

Here are some tips for getting George Pickens:

Focus on Mut Champions: As mentioned above, Mut Champions is the best way to earn CP. Make sure to complete all of the objectives in Mut Champions each week.
Win games: Winning games will give you more CP than losing games. So, try your best to win as many games as you can.
Complete daily objectives: The daily objectives don't give you a lot of CP, but they're worth doing if you can.
Complete milestones: The milestones give you a lot of CP, but they take longer to complete. If you're patient, completing the milestones is a good way to earn a lot of CP.


Getting George Pickens in Madden NFL 24 takes some time and effort, but it’s definitely possible. By following the tips above, you can earn enough CP to reach level 43 and unlock this amazing card.

Additional Information

George Pickens is an 89-overall wide receiver with good speed and catching ability. He's a great option for any team looking for a deep threat.
The competitive field pass is a new feature in Madden NFL 24. It allows players to earn rewards by completing challenges and objectives.
The competitive field pass is available for all players. However, there is a premium version that gives players access to additional rewards.

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