The quality of loot has taken a nosedive

Since successfully completing my initial T100 run, the quality of loot has taken a nosedive. Initially, I brushed it off as a streak of bad luck, par for the course in games like these. However, the trend of receiving consistently dreadful loot has persisted ever since I triumphed in T100 for the first time. It’s not merely the subpar nature of the loot that’s problematic, but also the sheer scarcity of it.

Take my latest T100 clear as an example – it has become emblematic of my current loot experience. Whether it’s world bosses, tree caches, or mystery chests, the loot outcomes remain uninspiring. To illustrate, over the course of 15+ Dungeons, 4-5 World Bosses, 4-5 Tree Caches, and 10 Mystery chests, I’ve chanced upon only a solitary unique ancestral item in Diablo 4.

Regrettably, the loot pool appears to have undergone a drastic deterioration. I implore you to investigate if this decline is attributable to a bug. Alternatively, if this decline is a deliberate design choice, I’m left questioning the rationale behind it. I had contemplated commencing a fresh character, yet the limitations of shared stash space dissuaded me. Moreover, even when I engage with my primary character, the loot rewards remain lackluster.

I persist in tackling these level 90+ Dungeons in the hope of obtaining worthwhile loot, given my ability to withstand their challenges. However, irrespective of the content I undertake, the quality of loot continues to plummet. Although I might procure more drops by running mid-level dungeons, the quality remains subpar. My intention is simply to find a method to secure decent loot, yet it genuinely feels as though the quality of my loot has been downgraded to refuse.

I invest numerous hours into this endeavor, collaborating with a group of individuals with whom I traverse dungeons whenever they’re online. This includes comrades in the T40s as well as those tackling the T50-60 range. Despite the countless hours dedicated to content consumption, the rewards have been consistently underwhelming.

During my ascent to level 100, it felt like I stumbled upon an ancestral item every 4-6 dungeons. As I advanced into higher-tier dungeons, the rewards seemed commensurate with the effort expended. Unfortunately, the present situation is characterized by lackluster outcomes, irrespective of whether I’m engaging in breezy dungeons alongside lower-level companions or pushing my boundaries.

Enduring a rough patch lasting 5-10 hours would be understandable, but the past 50 hours have yielded nothing but subpar loot, cheapest Diablo 4 gold buy from, hurry up. This sharp decline began after I successfully tackled and cleared level 100 content.

Furthermore, in the past day, I’ve encountered a recurring assortment of aspects on weapon and glove drops. The absence of variety is glaring, preventing me from even amassing a stockpile of valuable aspects. What I find is simply irrelevant to my playstyle and preferences.