Shooting in NBA 2K24: What We Want to See

Shooting is one of the most important aspects of NBA 2K, and it’s something that the developers have been constantly tweaking and adjusting over the years. In 2K23, shooting was generally well-received by the community, but there were still some areas that could be improved.

In this article, we’ll discuss some of the key things that we’d like to see in terms of shooting in NBA 2K24.

Wide-open shots should be more consistent

One of the biggest complaints about shooting in 2K23 was that wide-open shots were too inconsistent. Sometimes, you’d hit a wide-open three-pointer with ease, and other times, you’d brick it even though you were perfectly timed.

We’d like to see this issue addressed in NBA 2K24. Wide-open shots should be much more consistent so that players can feel confident that they’ll make them if they’re open.

Contested shots should be more difficult

Of course, we don’t want wide-open shots to be too easy. There should still be a degree of difficulty involved in making them, even if you’re wide open.

However, we do think that contested shots should be made more difficult in NBA 2K24. Right now, it’s often too easy to make contested shots, even if you’re being heavily guarded.

We’d like to see a greater degree of separation between wide-open and contested shots so that there’s a real difference in the difficulty of making them.

Shot timing fluctuations should be removed

Another issue with shooting in 2K23 was the introduction of shot timing fluctuations. This meant that the timing window for making a shot would randomly change, making it even more difficult to be consistent.

We’d like to see this feature removed from NBA 2K24. Shot timing should be consistent so that players can learn the timing window and become more consistent with their shots.

Lead passes should not move shooters

Lead passes are a great way to get your teammates open looks, but they can also be a bit problematic. Right now, if you lead a shooter too much, it can actually move them out of position, making it more difficult for them to make the shot.

We’d like to see this issue addressed in NBA 2K24. Lead passes should not move shooters out of position so that they can still get a good look at the basket.

Overall, we think that shooting in NBA 2K24 could be improved in a number of ways. By making wide-open shots more consistent, contested shots more difficult, and shot timing fluctuations less random, we believe that the shooting experience in NBA 2K24 would be much better.

We’re also hoping that the developers will take some time to address the issue of lead passes moving shooters out of position. This is a minor issue, but it can be very frustrating when it happens.

We’re excited to see what the developers do with shooting in NBA 2K24. We’re confident that they’ll be able to make some positive changes that will improve the overall experience. We also know that buying NBA 2K24 MT is no less important than shooting, and NBA2King is one of the important sources of 2K MT.